Echoes of What


Peace. Justice. Beauty.



As ice caps shrink and Bangladesh sinks, Nicaragua is once again a bright beacon of hope. Astonishing biodiversity, phenomenal potential for energy from sun, wind, water and geothermal sources, living indigenous cultures, vast deposits of sweet water, huge tracts of virgin forests, make it one of the world´s key places in the vital struggle to roll back global warming.

Echoes of Silence is a group of Nicaraguans and internationalists who therefore believe !Another Nicaragua - Another World is Possible!. So we work to link people into all the wonderful projects that are developing here, and indeed all over the Global South.

Although we work through the arts a great deal, we´re artists and activists with dirt under our fingernails, based as we are in CIPRES, a model permacultural farm and cooperative centre in the very heart of consumerist Managua.

CIPRES (Centre for the Investigation, Development and Promotion of Rural and Social Economy) is dedicated to bringing people, ideas and praxis together, to maintain campesina/os, creatively and richly, on the land, and to help forge - for everyone, all peoples, all species - a sane, exciting and beautiful way of living on this exquisite planet.


Along the way, we help build local and global networks determined to turn the Titanic. Or at least to paint murals on the iceberg.


Our primary job at the moment is setting up Cafe Sandino. Oh, and building our new office. It´s a dome, made out of bamboo and adobe. There're details and photos on the Projects page. (Just click on page in Side Bar.)

People are coming by and joining in all the time. We love that. We can help you find places to stay with Nicaraguan families or in cheap lodgings, take you on trips to visit/work with the fair trade coffee, sesame, and other cooperatives, set up meetings with environmental, women´s, social, political, youth and other groups. We also know bunches of revolutionary/community musicians, poets, painters, theatre companies, dancers, clowns, etc., (and even those dangerous dodos, the ´politicians´. If you insist.)


Glad to help any way, any time. It's not necessary you work on our own projects. However, since the Me First World shreds the planet by enriching itself by impoverishing others (so most Nicaraguans are being steadily more impoverished), solidarity means we can´t offer air-conditioned pads, S(tupid) U(gly) V(icious) vehicles, and so forth. For the vast majority here, trampled on in the rush to northern enrichment, these belong to the exploiters, local and international.

What we can offer is infinitely more valuable - living and working with those dumped on by that ´deathstyle´- wonderful people doing amazing things with very slender resources. And all the blood, sweat and laughter that implies.


Just get in touch:-


Phone: Nicaragua: (505) 405 2563; UK: (44) 01225 866181;

US: (1) 603 764 9948.




Please see Side Bar box at top right for links to more pages.


Not exactly JFK worshippers, but at least he apparently got the vital importance of art in (male) politics:


When power leads man (who?) towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations.

When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence.

When power corrupts, poetry cleanses. For art establishes the basic human truths which must serve as the foundation of our judgement.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy